Memorial Service from October 25, 2007

Play each section individually, or download the entire service to burn to a CD.

Track 01    Piper - 'Amazing Graze' - Rob Zimich
Track 02    Welcome & Opening Prayer - The Rev. Ray Matheson
Track 03    Solo - 'I Can Only Imagine' - Dallas Lundell accomp. by Carla Balzun
Track 04    Tribute - Wade Bowman
Track 05    Tribute - Janine Walter
Track 06    Tribute - Larry Walter
Track 07    Tribute - Doreen Cornelson & Don Bienert
Track 08    Tribute - Al Horwood
Track 09    Tribute - Tasha Bienert
Track 10    Tribute - Corbin Munro
Track 11    Tribute - Rick Sukovieff
Track 12    Message of Hope - The Rev. Ray Matheson
Track 13    Musical Selection - 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow/It's a Wonderful World' - IZ
Track 14    Recessional Trumpet Solo - Brian Seeley